
  • Local Moroccan participants: 1500dh
  • International participants: 250€

The registration fees cover accommodation at the UM6P University and meals (from Sunday, February 26th evening until Friday morning, February 29th). They also include the delegate pack (conference bag, book of abstracts, timetable, pad of paper, pen). The deadline for registration is January 30th.

To pay the fees via your bank, please use the following IBAN number:

IBAN: MA64 0114 5000 0005 2100 0085 2450 [Click here for full details on the IBAN number]

On your payment receipt, please include the following note: “YourName–WinterSchoolVangurad” and send us a copy of the payment to this email: winterschool@um6p.ma

  • Local UM6P participants: no fees (0dh).
  • No fees (0€) also apply to participants who choose not to stay in UM6P rooms for the five days and who do not wish to have meals included at UM6P.